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Straight Knockout
When you need it, the Terminator is ready to deliver a stunning blow to any attacker. A jolt from this stun will almost certainly bring your attacker down, as the high voltage shock causes the messages from the attacker's brain and voluntary muscles to be disrupted. Your attacker will lose balance, lose muscle control, and suffer confusion and disorientation that brings him down to his knees. You won't have to worry about any more aggressive activity from this one.
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Straight Knockout
When you need it, the Terminator is ready to deliver a stunning blow to any attacker. A jolt from this stun will almost certainly bring your attacker down, as the high voltage shock causes the messages from the attacker's brain and voluntary muscles to be disrupted. Your attacker will lose balance, lose muscle control, and suffer confusion and disorientation that brings him down to his knees. You won't have to worry about any more aggressive activity from this one.
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